6 Tips for Healthy Holiday Baking


drink-3108934_1920I’m all for (consciously) indulging in your favorite holiday treat! But it’s also fun to play around in the kitchen with swaps to make your favorite desserts lighter, more nutritious, and/or suitable for those with dietary restrictions.

Here are some tips & tricks:

1. Replace eggs with a flax or chia “egg” to make a recipe egg-free or vegan. Stir together 1 Tbsp ground flaxseed or whole chia seeds and 2.5 Tbsp of water, let sit for 5 minutes, then use in a recipe (Note: This doesn’t bind or stiffen exactly like eggs, but flax or chia “eggs” can be used in many recipes like muffins, cookies, or pancakes)

2. Cut the amount of butter, shortening or oil in a recipe by half and use equal amounts of unsweetened applesauce (e.g. if a recipe calls for 1 cup of butter, use 1/2 cup butter and 1/2 cup applesauce)

3. Use non-dairy spreads or coconut oil instead of butter or ghee to make a recipe dairy-free or vegan

4. Cut the amount of cream cheese in a recipe by half and use equal amounts of plain nonfat skyr or Greek yogurt

5. Instead of 1 cup of buttermilk, use 2/3 cup plain nonfat skyr or Greek yogurt and 1/3 cup milk

6. Many recipes taste just as good with less sugar. Start small by reducing the amount of sugar in a recipe by a quarter (e.g. instead of 1 cup of sugar, use 3/4 cup), and next time try reducing by half (e.g. from 1 cup to 1/2 cup)

By Rachelle LaCroix Mallik, MA, RD, LDN, Registered Dietitian and Owner of The Food Therapist, LLC
For more healthy eating inspiration, follow Rachelle at The Food Therapist!
Questions? Send me an email at rachelle@rachellemallik.com.


Rachelle LaCroix Mallik, MA, RD, LDN is a Registered Dietitian and owner of The Food Therapist, LLC, a private nutrition counseling practice based in Chicago. Rachelle specializes in reproductive nutrition for fertility, prenatal, and postnatal wellness. She earned a Bachelor’s with Honors in Human Nutrition at Arizona State University and a Master’s in Food Studies – Food Culture at New York University. Rachelle is a member of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the Women’s Health Dietetic Practice Group, and she serves on the board of the Academy’s Chicago chapter.

Rachelle lives in Lakeview with her husband Ronak, baby boy Arjuna, and adopted pup Lola. She’s also a Bolly Groover – it’s her favorite form of cardio!

Visit her at rachellemallik.com or follow her on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram at @rachellemallik.

4 mindful tips to keep Health Goals on Track over the Holidays



By Rachelle LaCroix Mallik, MA, RD, LDN, Registered Dietitian and Owner of The Food Therapist, LLC

Here are 4 tips to keep health goals on track over the holidays

1. Enjoy food with mindful eating
I touched on this in last week’s post. There is no need to deprive yourself of your favorite food, whether that’s pizza, samosas, or chocolate chip cookies. By being mindful and enjoying every bite, you can tune in to your internal satiety cues to know when you’ve had enough.

2. Use the hunger-fullness scale
It seems simple – eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’re full, but many of us ignore our internal cues and are influenced by external cues, like someone offering another serving or having food left on your plate. Try to eat when you’re noticing feelings of hunger, but are not ravenous or irritable, take your time and eat slowly, and stop eating when you’re full but not uncomfortable.

3. Eat when you’re hungry, not when you’re emotional
Stress eating affects many, and stress can be heightened around the holidays. Rather than eating mindlessly, find other ways to cope, such as talking to a friend, taking relaxing breaths, or doing yoga.

4. Keep up your exercise routine
Not because you need to punish yourself for overindulging, or to “earn” a dessert, but because it makes you feel good and is good for you. I think all of us here can agree that bG cardio is fun and gets our hearts pumping!

For more healthy eating inspiration, follow Rachelle at The Food Therapist!
Questions? Send me an email at rachelle@rachellemallik.com.


Rachelle LaCroix Mallik, MA, RD, LDN is a Registered Dietitian and owner of The Food Therapist, LLC, a private nutrition counseling practice based in Chicago. Rachelle specializes in reproductive nutrition for fertility, prenatal, and postnatal wellness. She earned a Bachelor’s with Honors in Human Nutrition at Arizona State University and a Master’s in Food Studies – Food Culture at New York University. Rachelle is a member of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the Women’s Health Dietetic Practice Group, and she serves on the board of the Academy’s Chicago chapter.

Rachelle lives in Lakeview with her husband Ronak, baby boy Arjuna, and adopted pup Lola. She’s also a Bolly Groover – it’s her favorite form of cardio!

Visit her at rachellemallik.com or follow her on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram at @rachellemallik.

5 Healthy Tips for Holiday Gatherings



By Rachelle LaCroix Mallik, MA, RD, LDN, Registered Dietitian and Owner of The Food Therapist, LLC

Here are 5 healthy tips for holiday gatherings

1. BYO Dish
Do you have a delicious, nutritious dish to contribute to the holiday buffet? Bring it for you and your fellow guests to enjoy. Over Thanksgiving, I brought a shredded Brussels sprouts and kale salad with dijon mustard vinaigrette that was a hit! Among the array of cooked dishes, something cool, crunchy, and green was a welcome change.

2. Take a seat
Sit down to eat, if possible. You’re more likely to take the time to chew and eat slowly, which can help you lower overall calorie intake than if you eat quickly.

3. Plate it
Put your meal on your plate, rather than reaching for foods one bite at a time. That way you can visualize what you’re about to eat and be mindful of how much you’re eating.

4. Eat your calories instead of drinking them
When it comes to beverages, opt for flat or sparkling water, herbal tea (like ginger or peppermint), or unsweetened chai. Staying hydrated can also help you make sure you’re not confusing hunger for thirst.

5. Savor your fave dessert
Love gulab jamun but not too keen on rasgulla? Pick your favorite sweet, enjoy every bite, and skip the ones you won’t miss.

For more healthy eating inspiration, follow Rachelle at The Food Therapist!
Questions? Send me an email at rachelle@rachellemallik.com.


Rachelle LaCroix Mallik, MA, RD, LDN is a Registered Dietitian and owner of The Food Therapist, LLC, a private nutrition counseling practice based in Chicago. Rachelle specializes in reproductive nutrition for fertility, prenatal, and postnatal wellness. She earned a Bachelor’s with Honors in Human Nutrition at Arizona State University and a Master’s in Food Studies – Food Culture at New York University. Rachelle is a member of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the Women’s Health Dietetic Practice Group, and she serves on the board of the Academy’s Chicago chapter.

Rachelle lives in Lakeview with her husband Ronak, baby boy Arjuna, and adopted pup Lola. She’s also a Bolly Groover – it’s her favorite form of cardio!

Visit her at rachellemallik.com or follow her on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram at @rachellemallik.