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Seniors Get Fit to Beat High Blood Pressure

Photo by Saksham Gangwar on Unsplash

Dance is one of the most effective and fun ways to get fit.  Bollywood dancing can be adapted easily to allow seniors to join in – just choose the lower impact exercises to burn your calories. Stress is also a leading cause of high blood pressure but dancing is a great way to unwind. Why do many seniors suffer from high blood pressure? It is often due to:

  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Kidney Disease
  • High Cholesterol

Often seniors are not aware of high blood pressure as there are little to no symptoms  so ensure you get a regular health check up. Dance cardio classes can be tailored to suit your needs so ensure you tell the instructor of any blood pressure issues before you begin. Why not take a look at some of the ways high blood pressure in seniors can be prevented?

By Sally Perkins

SWriteSally Perkins is an experienced freelance writer and editor with experience across many different areas.

She made the move to freelancing from a stressful office job and loves the work-life balance it offers her.

When not at work, Sally enjoys playing tennis, hiking and camping.

Sep 6 – Hurricane Relief Fundraiser


Come dance/workout with bG and help raise funds for hurricane victims in Houston.

bG will donate 50% of class revenue and 100% of additional donations to Americares to help hurricane victims in Houston.

Lou Conte Dance Studio – 7 to 8 pm, 1147 W Jackson Blvd, Chicago
Foster Dance Studios – 7:15 to 8:15 pm, 915 Foster St., Evanston

To book your spot in advance, please visit: or simply show up!

#Harvey2017 #HoustonFlood

Bring your friend for FREE!

Here it is! Your chance to share the bG fun with your friends!

Completely FREE to bring a friend to all cardio classes from Aug 14 to 27!!

To save time, have your friend reserve their spot ahead of time.

Terms: Friend must be NEW. You can bring max of ONE free friend each class. Each Friend can attend max of ONE free class.


bG on Fox32 – July 2017

Check out bG Groovers rocking it out with Jenny Milkowski on Fox32!

Chicago and Evanston Classes and Worldwide

Participants: Priya Raman, Payal Shah, Vishista Shivabhushan, Sarah Pietruszka , Robin Anil, Michael Vo and Ajanta Chakraborty.